It’s Camellia Season again. That is, in South East Queensland.
Sasanquas have started flowering and the early japonicas are showing some colour. It has been very dry here and there is no doubt that camellias, like most plants, perform and flower better when they have had some good rain.
The earliest japonicas for us include Arejishi, Alba Plena, Fimbriata (A sport of Alba Plena) and Kamo Hon Ami. But the others are sure to follow.
We will start our Open Days – now. These are days when we invite members of the public to our garden and nursery – you can wander the garden – it is not a show garden but is does contain some 350 odd camellias which make a nice display when in flower, and you can purchase plants.
Open days:
We are open 8.00 am to 3.00 pm
Open April 7 to 17 (school holidays here)
Closed Easter – 18 to 21 April
Open Saturday 26 and Sunday 27 April
Open Saturday 3 and Sunday 4 May
Open Saturday 10 May
Closed Sunday 11 May – Mothers Day
Closed Saturday 17 and Sunday 18 May
Open Saturday 24 and Sunday 25 May
More Open Days to follow……
Upcoming Events
Saturday 7 and Sunday 8 June – Gardening on the Edge – Maleny Garden Club, Maleny show grounds. Plants available for sale.
Sunday 29 June – Queensland Camellia Society Display and Show – Randall Studio – Mt Coot-tha Botanical Gardens. Plants available for sale.
Friday 11, Sat 12, and Sunday 13 July – Queensland Garden Expo – Nambour Show Grounds, Nambour. Plants for sale. Best garden show around. A must see for gardeners of all persuasions.
Saturday 19 and Sunday 20 July – Toowoomba Camellia and Flower Show – TAFE College Toowoomba. More details later.
Saturday 16 August – Queensland Camellia Society Camellia Workshop – Mt Coot-tha Botanic Gardens Auditorium. Plants for sale, guest speakers on all things camellia, workshops on pot culture, potting, taking cuttings, grafting camellias, flower arrangements with camellias and so much more.
We attended the International Camellia Show in Vigo, Galicia, Spain, while at the ICS (International Camellia Society) congress in March. This is a pic of some of the camellias on display.
This hybrid of C. petalotti is this colour – I photographed it in a garden in Galicia, Spain last month.
To my knowledge it is not available for sale – certainly not in Australia.
I want to plant a white camellia hedge and need it to be fast growing if poss and will need about 36 plants depending on size. The susanquas do well in my garden. Could you give me some idea of cost? I live in Buderim (down near the uni) so am not far away.
Sasanquas are the way to go and there are a few whites to choose from – the old faithful single, Setsugekka, Gay, Silver Dollar, Fuji No Mine, Mine No Yuki, Early Pearly to name a few and a bunch more with blushes of pink like Little Pearl, Pure Silk, Paradise Pearl – anyway , there are a bunch to choose. Some are faster that others and some will make taller plants more quickly if that is you objective.
Our 140mm pot size plants are $10 ex nursery.
As you are so close, you could drop in on one of our open days – today 27 April, next weekend and the following Saturday. See dates on the blog. Other times, please call to find a mutually convenient time.
Drop by some time.