Well – we are a few weeks into Covid-19 isolation – lock down – and it seems to be working for the majority of Australians. New cases are down and thankfully the death toll in this country is low.
One good thing about self isolation when one has a big garden, or like us and has a plant nursery in the backyard, there is plenty to do. The sasanqua camellias have been flowering for a few weeks with more coming into flower daily. The nursery plants are looking great – nice and green foliage, many with flowers and buds.
It is unfortunate that many of the plant/garden shows that we attend with our camellias have been cancelled this year. Maleny Garden Club Gardening on the Edge, Toowoomba Camellia Show, Queensland Camellia Society Show at Mt Coottha and possibly more.
The nursery industry – retail and grower nurseries continue to operate. Many folk are taking this opportunity to get into the garden – so it is important that supply is maintained. We continue to be open – see the schedule in our previous posts – but with strict restrictions as to the 1.5m rule (6ft in the USA), limiting customers numbers to two at a time (not usually an issue for us), BYO carry bags and PYO (pack your own), and limiting time spent with each customer. (Not that we don’t like you – it’s just one of the rules laid down at the moment). Please keep in mind local travel restrictions.
So get your camellia fix, and get it now. We will be available by arrangement over the Easter weekend (we aren’t going anywhere – now). It is likely that we will selling from here only this season.
Unless a scheduled open day, please call to make a time – 07 54450333.
Remember please, we do not have eftpos, byo carry bags – get out in the garden and get dirty. It’s good for the soul.

Hi Darryl, I wondered if I can purchase camellias from you online? I live at Manly Qld.
Hi Darryl, I wondered if I can purchase Camellias online. Thanks Sandra
Thanks for the enquiry. We do not sell on line. Sales from the nursery only. Happy for you to visit.
I would like to buy 2 Tiffany camellias. They are very hard to find. I live in Sydney.
Is there any way I can buy them through one of your outlets?
I have read that you do not sell online
Many thanks
Hi – yes that are hard to find and for pretty good reason. They are inclined to be difficult to propagate. We cannot help you as we don’t have stock this season and we are not shipping anywhere these days, sorry.