In a blog or two ago, we were saying that our C.nitidissima – or chrysantha – had not flowered for the past 8 years, and then we found flower buds this season – so we have been pleased.
Another close look and we have found a seed, about 6cm and sort of round – so we must have had flowers last year as well. We will have to be more diligent! We will keep an eye on the seed and wait for it to mature and see if we can grow something from seed. All the C.crapnelliana – another species – one with huge seed pods 12 and 13 cm round – are maturing and falling from last season’s flowers, so maybe the nitidissima may be soon. It is still really green, so time will tell.
One other species that we have been trying to prop for a few years is C. lapidea. We are excited to have a seedling coming on, about 12 months old and about 20cm tall. All attempts to prop from cutting and graft have been unsuccessful. We will keep trying as new material becomes available.