Nursery Open to the Public – 14 and 15 August – by request

Camellia Glen Nursery will be open again this weekend – Saturday 14 and Sunday 15 August. We have had a number of requests from people who would like to visit – so here we are.

We still have many Camellias and Magnolias in the garden still in flower, and many of the Vireya Rhododendron are coming into spring flower. We still have about 150 varieties of Camellias available for sale in varying quantities, as well as Vireya Rhododendrons. We also have a small number of Azaleas, including Kurumes, available.

Last Sunday, a bus-load of our friends from the Brisbane based Queensland Camellia Society visited our nursery. After a morning tea in the pool yard, members were able to walk the gardens, and purchase plants to add to their Camellia collections from the extensive range of varieties we have on offer. It was a great day.

Come along and visit this weekend. If you would like to visit after this weekend, we will open by appointment. Please call or email us.

6 Responses to “Nursery Open to the Public – 14 and 15 August – by request”

  1. would you be able to supply me with plants or information as to how i could obtain them as per;
    Camelia japonica ( variety of long stem types) six at around 300mm size pots
    Camelia japonica (assorted) three at around 45 liter bag size.

    I could arrange freight or pick up.

    thanks for your help
    Denis Fitzpatrick
    director/Manager Green Survival

  2. Mary Corrie

    I have two Show Girl Reticulatas growing in my yard at The Gap in Brisbane. They flower profusely and have been there for 15 years. Are you able to supply me with two more, or alternatively can you advise me as to the best way to obtain them. The local nursery, Nova Gardens at the The Gap has quite a few camellias but I am reluctant to buy any other variety as I have had a few failures.
    thank you ,
    Mary Corrie

  3. The ‘girls’, Show Girl, Flower Girl and Dream Girl, are all retic/sasanqua hybrids and all do vert well for us and handle full sun. We are all out his season. Small plants available from early 2011. Thanks for the enquiry and sorry for the delay in answering.
    Camellia Glen Nsy

  4. Sorry for not answering sooner. We have a small number of baby sinensis, 140mm pots, 15 to 20 cm out of the pot. Price is $15.00 ex nursery. These are suitable for making green tea and black tea if you have a suitable process.

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