Camellia Glen Nursery is starting open days for the start of the camellia season – this weekend. See the schedule in our last blog. So we are open this Saturday and Sunday 12 and 13 April – 8.00 am to 3.00 pm.
The sasanquas are flowering well; if you would like to see these in flower, the time is now.
But where are the japonica flowers? At the Queensland Camellia Society meeting last Sunday, our VP David, from Toowoomba, was saying that they had flowers on 70 different varieties, and brought a lovely selection of flowers to prove it. One was Easter Morn – early even for that….
After some discussion, most other members in the greater Brisbane area agreed that the japonicas were late this season.
One of the contributing reasons will be the lack of rain during the flower developing stage. It seems our Toowoomba friends hand water regularly, and this is the difference. Since most of us in SE Queensland at least, have received some good rain, we can look forward to a good season, if a little late in starting.
With the big cyclone up north, there will be a lot more water and rain around – lets hope that these folk didn’t suffer too badly in the wind and the water heads out to those who are still in desperate drought conditions.
We look forward to seeing some of you up here for our open days. We are often asked if we have much stock on hand. We grow all our own stock so what we have is what we have. We are a small operation – but there will be some 6000 plants across about 210 different varieties. This is enough to satisfy most.
Get out in to the garden this weekend and get dirty…