Camellias – Open this weekend – 23 and 24 July


Camellia japonica Omega

Camellias are flowering beautifully after the rain and a little cooler weather – not that the 27 degrees we had today could be considered cool…..

Camellia Glen gardens and nursery is open to the public again this weekend – Saturday 23 and Sunday 24 July – 8.00 am to 3.00 pm. Come and visit, walk the gardens, see the 400 or so camellias in flower – well some are in flower – the sasanquas are largely finished – also a few of the 25 magnolias are flowering as well, as are some of the vireya rhododendron.

And there are a few hundred camellias available for sale. Choose some for your garden. Some of the folk who we spoke to at the Queensland Garden Expo early July will be dropping by for plants that they are chasing. Come join us for a wander.

Now is a great time to plant camellias – not only can you see them in flower, but the plants are largely dormant – so planting now gets them in the ground and settled in before the spring growth starts – which for us is around September – and before it gets hot.

Remember, sasanquas – of all colours including the whites – take full sun. They will also perform well in part shade as long as they get plenty of good light. Sasanquas make great individual garden plants, screens and hedges – formal and not so.

Japonicas – our recommendation is to give them at least part shade – and the formal double flowers do best if they get morning shade, otherwise the flowers can spoil before their time. Hybrids can often be more sun tolerant, but remember that our winter sun here in SE Queensland is quite a lot stronger than that enjoyed in places like Sydney/Melbourne. So plant to your conditions.

Well drained and a slightly acid soil and the basic needs; water young plants and mulch.

Get out in the garden this weekend – and get dirty….

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