Camellia Glen will be open to the public this Friday 20 June and Saturday 21 June – 8.00 am to 3.00 pm. Our ‘open days’ mean that we are not closed …. and you are welcome to visit, wander the garden, see our camellias in flower – there are a few hundreds japonicas flowering now – a few magnolias, Vireya rhododendrons. And of course we have lots of beautiful camellias for you to buy. At this end of the season, we are sold out of some varieties, but there are a few hundred to choose from. We even found some nice Reticulata Ellie’s Girl, a Dr Clifford Parks, Francie L. There are lots of the small leaved fragrant hybrids as well as dozens of varieties of sasanqua and japonica.
And then there is ‘morning sun’………
Here in SE Queensland, we always recommend that japonica camellias flower at their best in part shade…… and someone will say that their camellias are in full sun and are just fine.
It’s a matter of expectation. If you expect your flowers to last only a day or two before they burn, then you will not be disappointed.
This Great Eastern in our garden gets morning sun. From a distance it is full of colour; the closer you get, the more you see the sunburnt flowers.
But there are always the ones on the other side of the bush.

Great Eastern gets a fair bit of morning sun. Looks full of colour and pretty good from a distance.